Thursday 24 October 2013

PITAS,SABAH ! : The advanture begun.

It was on 14th October 2013. My journey begun, where my uncle and I wanted to have an Aidiladha celebration with peaceful and traditional environment. So we are planning to celebrate the special day with our family and relatives at Pitas town.

PITAS ?! Yeah, it sound unfamiliar for some people who never been there. It is located on 171 km from Kota Kinabalu city and took 2 hours to reach there by using car. It has estimated population around 38,600 on year 2006. From Kota Kinabalu, you need to pass a few town before reach here, such as Tuaran, Kota Belud and Kota Marudu.

I start this journey around 2:30 pm from Kota Kinabalu and having some rest at Kota Belud and Ulu Kukut. On 5 pm sharp, my uncle and I had reach on Kampung Mampakad,Pitas. We met our family and having a tea time session for a while. The ambient is very peaceful with the blow of sea wind. Without wasting any time, my uncle and I went to the sea to snap some sunset moment. It was interesting part to try because it has its own art when snapping in the middle on the sea.

Besides that, all of the pictures in Pitas was uploaded on this blog. So, enjoy and subscribe any comment please. Thank you.

Monday 22 July 2013

Tawau:Greeting from hometown

Two and a half months of semester break begin. This break is much precious than the previous,because I am having practical session in my hometown,Tawau. So, i have limited time to have a photo-shoot session. However, I try to share what I was able to do in my photography album. In this time, I will share more to interesting places in my hometown. I try to update more pictures as possible as I can. So enjoy watching.

1. View from Batu Payung

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Kionsom Waterfall

It is Located 12Km from Kota Kinabalu city, Kionsom Waterfall becoming a recreation area for those who like to enjoy the nature of waterfall. To get there it will takes 30-45 minutes from the city by a car. The interesting part of this waterfall is it consist of seven level of waterfall which most of the people wouldn't know about it.
So, my friends and I, try to explore this waterfall by our own. Due to my strong interest in photography, i would like to try slow shutter technique to obtain great picture of the waterfall. Actually it is a technique which using low shutter speed of your DSLR camera and produce a smooth flow of a moving object. For example the flow of stream, traffic and any other moving object.
From my experience in exploring the 7 level of Kionsom Waterfall, precaution step should be taken. This is because the way we had is not safe and slippery. Besides, the presence of reptile such as snake, is difficult to see due to low intensity of light inside the jungle and bush. So beware  and enjoy the pictures.

my Journey to West Sumatra

It is 15th January 2013, after finish my final exam i decide to travel to a place which has a beautiful scenery and nature. After made some brainstorming, i choose Bukit Tinggi (West Sumatra) as my destination.So, i took a flight from Kota Kinabalu (my current location) to Jakarta with my DSLR set. I just bring a simple equipment for this journey which consist Canon 7D, Tripod , and timer control.

After arriving at the Jakarta, i take rest for a few hours before I continue my journey to Padang. Padang is the  capital and the largest city of West Sumatra,Indonesia. From Padang, it takes 2 to 3 hours to arrive at Bukit Tinggi. Without much story to tell, i just let the picture talk about the beautiful scenery i obtain from this journey.